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Articles Hospitality trends 40 Statistics to Know About the Hospitality Industry in 2024

The hospitality sector is a dynamic world in constant metamorphosis, with ever-evolving trends and technologies. For this reason, staying updated is crucial. In such a competitive market, a hotel cannot afford to be outpaced by competitors with more innovative practices. Thus, keeping up with the latest industry developments is essential.

Following hospitality-related statistics is a good practice to achieve this. Whether it's customer experience, social media usage, CSR, investments, etc., Bowo has gathered a wide range of data to help hoteliers find new growth drivers, strengthen relationships with their customers, and build loyalty.

>> Download your white paper "The Guide to 2024 Hospitality Trends"

Market Statistics for the Hospitality Industry in France

Let's start with some general stats about the French market

  • In city rankings, Paris is the world's top tourist destination, ahead of Dubai and Madrid - Euromonitor, 2023
  • France ranks 6th in hotel stays with 140 million nights, after the United States, China, Spain, Italy, and the United Kingdom - Organisation Mondiale du Tourisme, 2018
  • The French hotel sector comprises over 16,850 establishments. Additionally, there are 7,432 campsites, 2,290 tourist residences, 885 holiday villages and family homes, and 343 youth hostels - Insee, 2022
  • 78% of hotels are independent, and 22% belong to large chains - horwathhtl, 2018

Statistics on Guest Experience

As customer demands have multiplied, it has become increasingly difficult for hoteliers to provide the experience that guests expect. Moreover, customer experience now extends beyond in-hotel service to encompass all interactions with the hotel before, during, and after the stay. These stats should shed light on some traveler expectations.

  • Fatigue: 45% of hotel guests report being tired of the uniformity in the hotel industry, including independent hotels. They criticize the repetitiveness of decor and services and find the check-in procedures too bureaucratic and standardized - Coach Omnium, 2022
  • Personalization: 71% of consumers expect companies to provide personalized interactions. 76% get frustrated when this doesn't happen - McKinsey, 2021
  • Personalization: 44% of French consumers switched to a competitor last year because the shopping experience was not sufficiently personalized - Accenture strategy, 2018
  • Personalization: 75% of customers would buy more if provided with personalized recommendations - Gladly, 2019
  • Technology: 91% of travelers say that technology increases their confidence in traveling - Étude Amadeus, 2021
  • Technology: 65% of guests want hotels to offer a more advanced tech experience - Oracle, 2022
  • Price: 72% of travelers find French hotel prices (too) expensive or excessive. - Coach Omnium, 2018
  • Check-in / Check-out : 53% of hotel guests are annoyed by the time wasted at check-in or check-out: queues, lengthy procedures, too administrative - Coach Omnium, 2018
  • Internet : 80% of hotel guests choose their hotels online - Coach Omnium, 2018
  • Tripadvisor: 74% of internet users check a hotel's Tripadvisor page before booking on the official website - Tripadvisor
  • Staycation: 76% of business travelers plan to extend their business trip for leisure, and 28% of consumers plan to take flexible vacations to work remotely while enjoying their stay over the next twelve months - Expedia Group, 2023
  • Adventure Tourism: 73% of people seek to step out of their comfort zone and push their limits, either physically or mentally - Enquête Booking, 2022
  • Loyalty: The quality of the offer is the primary factor convincing customers to stay loyal (71%), ahead of the price of the stay (59%) and well before the loyalty program offered (46%) - Expedia Partner Solutions et Points, 2022
  • Wellness : 58% of travelers want to travel alone, without a partner or children, to take care of themselves -, 2024

Hospitality market KPI

Excerpt from the White Paper Loyalty, The Hotel Groups' Challenge

Statistics on Activities / Services

While the range of hotel services is extensive, few hoteliers implement a genuine upselling strategy through additional services. What services should be offered? Here are some figures that might guide you

  • For 70% of French travelers, the choice of hotel depends on the quality of the breakfast offered - Institut Yougov, 2019
  • 29% of guests find the presence of a spa essential or appreciable -Coach Omnium, 2017-2018
  • 80% of travelers want internet WIFI access throughout the hotel - Coach Omnium, 2017-2018
  • 86% of French travelers primarily opt for hotel accommodations, especially to benefit from numerous amenities and quality services - Covivio, 2018
  • 83% of guests prefer to receive hotel service promotions on their mobile devices - Hotelogix, 2018
  • 60% of travelers prioritize experiences over material goods -
Bowo • Hospitality market in France: mobile usage.

Image Credit : Sensego

Social Media Statistics in Hospitality

Here are some figures that confirm the importance of being present on social media to promote your activity. These platforms have become full-fledged marketing levers with a very powerful impact.

  • 86% of French people take their smartphone on vacation- Next Tourisme, 2018

  • According to, 70% of people under 25 found their travel destination through a photo seen on Instagram - Voyages SNCF, 2017

  • In the hospitality industry, reputation is very important: 95% of guests read reviews before deciding to book their hotel stay - Hotel TechReport, 2021

  • 60% of social media-using travelers have posted messages, photos, etc., on these platforms from their vacation spots - Next Tourisme, 2018

  • 42% of French travelers consider the "Instagrammable" aspect of a destination when booking their trips - Tendance Hotellerie, 2019
  • 72% of customers will share a positive experience with six or more people - Esteban Kolsky, 2017
  • 77% of users say TikTok has inspired a destination or the purchase of a travel-related product - TikTok, 2021
Bowo • Capture décran 2021 09 06 à 10 48 05

CSR and Guests Statistics

The economic recovery of the tourism sector cannot happen without considering societal, environmental, and economic issues, as evidenced by these figures.

  • 8 out of 10 French travelers wish to travel more responsibly over the next 12 months - Etude Booking, 2023
  • 59% of customers are willing to pay higher fees to make their trip more sustainable - Hotel news ressource, 2021
  • 49% of French travelers prefer short supply chains by buying from or dining at local businesses at their vacation destination - Etude TravelZoo, 2019
  • 87% of international travelers wish to travel while limiting their environmental impact -Etude Booking, 2018
  • 68% of travelers prefer staying in eco-friendly hotels - Amenitiz, 2019
  • 55% of travelers say they want to know how their money returns to local communities, and ⅔ declare wanting to travel to places where tourism supports local communities - Étude, 2022

Article to Read on CSR :

>> Luxury Hospitality and Ecology : Are They Truly Compatible ?

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